Light At The End Of The Tunnel: Reviewing A Tumultuous 2021

Dine Manalo
7 min readApr 4, 2022

2021 proved to be among the top turbulent years not only for the world of business but the entire world at large. The unpredictable nature of the Covid-19 pandemic and its numerous variants, continued to disrupt businesses and put people’s health under constant threat. Despite the unpredictable nature in the covid-19 disease, humanity’s progress allowed it to keep moving forward regardless of its presence. The 2021 crisis did not suffice to stop progress that people are very well capable of, both in survival and recovery for businesses.

It does not mean that every route taken resulted in successful outcomes. Some consider returning to the way things were prior to the outbreak is a step in the right direction others see it as a backward mentality in the world that should be changing.

The difference of opinions affects the society, which has a direct impact on employers, employees and all the rest for businesses. Add to the fact that changes in the climate, political instability, and international conflicts add on as if there wasn’t enough of a cause for concern.

2021, in summary is a chaotic year.

Each event that occurred led to lessons and hope that continue to push entrepreneurs and people forward into 2022.

There’s light towards the end, and the hope that is lingering will have an impact on businesses that want to expand in the coming calendar year.

Could it be the Endemic?

Coronavirus infection with severe symptoms of acute respiratory illness (SARS-CoV-2) caused havoc across the globe in the year 2020. Its consequences lasted into 2021. A total of 6 million lives were lost, and nearly 500 million affected at most once. There was deaths that are significant therefore it’s not a surprise that the entire epidemic is the main focus of the year’s story. In the same way that people believed they were headed back to everyday life with vaccinations, the virus spawned numerous variants that threaten people’s lives.

In 2022, the threat from Covid-19 is still present. The cases are continuing to mount and deaths due to the virus continue to occur every day. But that doesn’t mean there’s no improvement. After two yearsof research, we learned how to manage viruses, with pharmaceutical and medical sectors being the frontrunners. Vaccines are a way to protect against the the deadly manifestations of the disease. This makes fatal illness and death easily manageable.

The keyword is manageable. The reduction in active cases and deaths are indications that Covid-19 may be on the way towards turning into an endemic disease. Based on Virginia Tech epidemiology professor Charlotte Baker, endemic means that the condition will always be present but has become known enough to allow the pharmaceutical and medical fields to treat. Yet, undocumented variants remain hanging over our heads. The term endemic will be farther away when another scenario like the Omicron variant arises.

The public is starting to learn how to live with coronavirus. It is an ideal choice for business. Companies in multiple developing countries are already returning to their normal routines prior to the pandemic, though with some social distancing guidelines. The swift response and swift actions of nations such as Denmark, Norway, and New Zealand led to removing any restrictions that pertain to virus prevention. Things are looking up for most businesses in 2022. It is beginning to look like people can finally get back to work to conduct face-to–face operations as well as retail. In 2022, bringing employees back to work is the most popular business trend.

A Road Back to Normalcy (Or At Least That’s What We Thought)

Once again, offices are openingand welcoming employees back after almost 2 years working from home. However, it will never be the same as it was two years ago. Families lost loved ones during the Covid-19 outbreak, which means that your employees understand how deadly the virus could remain when they go to public places. There’s always something that irritates them each time they go through their morning commute, put on their masks in the afternoon or interact with coworkers who might or might not have the virus. Therefore, there could be a variety of views on the return-to-office policy.

It is important for businesses to be aware that not all employees may be onboard with the idea. Their livelihood could be at stake in the event that they do not agree, but it is a small sacrifice against the need for workers to put their health and safety at risk every day.

The Covid-19 pandemic altered the world forever. The possibility that the coronavirus virus could be with us for the next 10 years It is not possible to live like we did in 2019. Being aware of this, businesses must do whatever it takes to empathize with the employees’ challenges.

2022 is a time for business to focus on making the workplace and corporate culture more employee-centric.

Empathy should not be an individual trait that is merely a part of the personality and goes. It must be a professional skill. Corporate decisions can impact the lives of your employees, making the workforce an important aspect to think about. One area where it could significantly impact is the return to office ordering. This could be beneficial for your company, but your employees may not have the same attitude as you. The end in 2021 demonstrated what was to come.

“The Power of the Workforce

The return to work is the most important indicator for companies that want to return to regular. But, the last two years provided people with more clarity about life the safety and health aspects come first.

Unfortunately, returning to the office landed employees in the areas where the risk of developing Covid-19 infection is the highest. Career stability and safety started to tangle in the debate over which should be the top priority for employees. At the end of the day it was obvious who was the winner when a circumstance dubbed the Great Resignation occurred.

Employees from all over the world discovered the benefits of the work-from-home setup. After two years of working in that working arrangement, it could be difficult to not have to worry about the morning commute, and spend money on gas and give up an easy work schedule that requires very little supervision. The number of resignations from work reached record amounts in the last ten months of 2021, with the final ten months of 2021 taking over the top 10 spots in 2001.

Many factors influence people to quit their jobs in 2021. However, this isn’t to say they’re going to end their careers. However, the majority of their reasons are either direct or indirect connections to the continuing Covid-19 epidemic.

A few people may realize that time is not long enough to pursue business dreams. Others might find it more practical to let their partner work while they take care of household chores. But the majority of people who resigned simply looking for new career opportunities that matched their needs in terms of security and health. There are still people who need jobs to survive in an increasingly hostile world, searching for organisations that offer more respect and care than their previous employers.

The Great Resignation affects the company’s turnover rate as a key metric for business stability and growth. Businesses had to adapt to demands of employees, and implement employee-centric measures even further. The Great Resignation might have already had a negative impact on your company. The exact course of action is shifting from retention of employees to mass recruiting in that circumstance. There is no better time to do it than during the present digital era.

Digital Dominance

2021 may be full of unpleasant surprises, but there was a silver lining. Businesses were forced to battle an outbreak that forced employees out of workplaces and offices at home. Even consumers preferred staying at home than taking risks to purchase products or services. Therefore, every business and individual had to live in the world of digital. However, what was supposed as a short-term solution turned into the future of business operations.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the Great Resignation have positioned digital transformation as the essential stage for companies in 2022. As per PTC, 70% of companies worldwide are either implementing digitalization strategies or are planning to create one. This allows companies to remain connected with employees and customers regardless of limitations to the current normal. It’s also an essential solution to prevent the Covid-19 virus and The Great Resignation from doing more harm. Digitalization has also enabled businesses to go for a completely remote work setup as well as companies changing the way they work to meet the needs of an era of digitalization.

Businesses will do well to take on digital transformation in 2022 as it opens them to infinite possibilities. Some of these opportunities include solutions for business that aid organizations to recover from the overwhelming problems in business. Offshoring is a vital business process that tackles shortages of staff, and is an excellent solution to the Great Resignation. Moreover, it was also one of the saviors of businesses in the midst of layoffs that were widespread during the past two years’s pandemic changes. However, offshoring’s best value advantage is the fact that it can provide world-class offshore talent for low costs, which allows companies to dedicate funds and resources towards an efficient digital transformation.

